Discussion Questions for Fire in the Springs

  1. How does life in the American frontier affect observance of Jewish laws and customs?
  2. How and why does Carl feel an affinity for the black and native American citizens of his town? Does Rosalia feel the same affinity? Do Samuel and Gussie?
  3. The gang of horseback riders that attacked the rabbi’s home was a precursor to the KKK. What motivated them to attack the Jewish people?
  4. How do the Jewish immigrants in Hot Springs create community? Is that different than the way contemporary communities connect?
  5. How close does Rosalia get to her dream of being an educator? What stands in her way?
  6. How does Roland Longman’s back story affect the way you perceive him? Is there any indication he has a conscience even though his actions are evil?
  7. How did Carl and Rosalia’s relationship change between the time they met in Germany and the time they reconnected in Hot Springs? How did it change after that?
  8. What are examples of the double standards for men’s and women’s sexual conduct in the Jewish communities of Gliewitz and Hot Springs? Are things different today?
  9. How did you feel about Rosalia’s stained reputation and its cause? Have feelings about sexual assault changed today?  Why did she feel such guilt for what happened on the boat?
  10. Should Rosalia have forgiven Carl for going to a brothel? How did you feel about their reconciliation?
  11. Why did Jews go to Hot Springs, Arkansas in the 1800’s? Do you observe anything special about the town?
  12. How did you feel about the bear’s place in the plot? Could the bear be a metaphor for a human character in the story? If so, which one and why?
  13. Where do the indigenous Indian tribes live by the time Carl arrives in Hot Springs? How is Waddite, aka Thomas, regarded in Hot Springs? What evidence supports your view? Why did Carl and Waddite become good friends?